Learn Practical Tools Backed by Science to Relieve Pain, Reduce Fatigue, and Heal Your Body with YOUR MIND

 12 Week Master Class


  • 4 Online Modules - Go at Your pace!

  • LIVE Weekly Sessions

    Thursdays 12pm EST (time subject to change)


  • 4 Online Modules - Go at Your pace!

  • LIVE Weekly Sessions
    Thursdays 12pm EST (time subject to change)


Each workshop will be recorded and available for 60 days.

Is this for you?

  • Are you living with chronic pain?

  • ​Do you feel like your body is different every day? 

  • ​Do you feel betrayed by your body? 

  • ​Have you tried everything and nothing works?

  • Do you feel “older” than your age?

  • ​Have doctors told you that your symptoms are psycho-somatic?

  • ​Are you struggling just to get a diagnosis? 

  • ​Do you feel like you are always out of sync with your body and you can never plan ahead?

Join us for an ten week deep dive to renew your relationship with your body and unlock your body’s natural healing capacity. 


Benefit #1

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Benefit #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.

Benefit #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.

Benefit #4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.


  • Practical tools to master your body using your mind

  • Tips to reduce fear of dis-ease

  • How to understand your body’s messages

  • Tools for relieving pain, reducing fatigue, and other physical ailments

  • The body’s role in your emotions

  • Simple steps toward optimal health

Practical tools to master your body using your mind

Tips to reduce fear of dis-ease

How to understand your body’s messages

Tools for relieving pain, reducing fatigue, and other physical ailments

The body’s role in your emotions

Simple steps toward optimal health

Questions from the Q&A(I’ve included brief answers here but full answers are in the video)

Get Your Health Back....With Your Mind

1. I’ve been reading Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Baile material – will I still get something out of the course? 


2. I believe I can heal but it feels really hard to do this on my own, will the course support me on my path? 

Definitely, it will be a great community for that.

3. If I can’t join live is it still worth it for me to take the course? The depends if you think you’ll actually go back and watch the replays.

I have a terminal prognosis, will the course help me? 

Yes but’s advisable that you take a much more hands on approach than a group setting once-a-week. Better to contact me directly.

4. I’m doing hypnosis to address my symptoms, will this contradict that work? 

NO! Both of these approaches will beautifully and powerfully support each other - that’s fantastic! 

5. I want to stay on meds during the course, is that OK? 

YES, AT ALL TIMES FOLLOW MEDICAL ADVICE. This is not medical advice, I am not a medical professional. Medicine does not counteract the mind-body approach.

6. Is the course experiential or just lectures? 

Very experiential and hands-on!

7. What is the content? 

3 modules: Relationship with your body, building blocks to trigger your body’s natural healing, mastering the mind to generate wellness.

8. Is this only for people who are facing severe illness? 

No, the earlier in disease progress the better.

9. Will I get personal coaching? 

No, this is a group setting. If you want to add one on one coaching you can.

10. Is this only for people with MS? 


11. Can this address skin issues? 


Pain Relief!

While it’s known as the invisible symptom, you also know it’s the most debilitating. Learn techniques to manage your pain in real time without relying on painkillers.

Recover Your Vitality

Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Awaken your inherent vital energy by rewiring your brain to focus on wellness.

Master Stress-Free Living

Have you found that stress exacerbates symptoms…but that living with illness is the biggest stress of all? Learn secrets from the world’s most successful leaders to melt away your stress and boost your health.

Realign with Your Body

You have every reason to feel betrayed by your body. But your body can’t heal while you’re mad at it. Get your body back in sync with your true desires to unlock wellness.


I joined this class to try to heal my body beyond what I’m currently experiencing through medical intervention. I really have gotten a lot of results from the practical tools. I feel like I’ve regained a little bit of control over how I can feel better! This class and community has helped me leaps and bounds, even in just my attitude!

These tools are amazing and absolutely things I can do!


When I first contacted Kaley, I was having back pain daily, and my legs were often numbing out at some point during the day. When the numbing occurred, I couldn’t walk or stand. I felt anxious every day, anticipating the likelihood I would have numbing or pain, resulting in my feeling limited not only in my daily activities but in my life. From being a very athletic, confident and physically active person, I became anxious about every activity I planned.

In working with Kaley I have developed a new relationship with my body, and am more attuned to its needs as well as my emotions. I have changed my diet, and introduced new daily protocols which have made a big difference in my life on many levels. From having my legs numb almost daily, I have experienced numbing only once in the past 4 months. Although I have minor back pain on rare occasions, I have learned how to deal immediately with the pain when it does come up, so that I can more easily move through it. Working with Kaley has helped me live a life of less pain and numbing and more optimism and energy.

Jill Kahn

This class is about me, not my family or anyone else I tend to prioritize over myself. This class is giving me permission to work on my health. I’m really not well but I can’t show everyone how much pain and fatigue I’m in. Pretending is how I live. I so want to feel better. I believe I can just never put in the real work for myself. This class is helping me with all of it.


First off Kaley is an amazing instructor. She explains things in an easily digestible way. I just enjoy learning from her and she's amazing at guiding whether through tapping or guided meditation. Really good at honing in on the root issue. I like to be proactive and have tools and this class has given me an assortment that I can go to when I'm having symptoms.


I joined the class as I was fascinated and inspired by Kaley's story, dreaming that if she could reverse her diagnosis, perhaps I could learn how to do it too. As she is also extremely engaging, motivating and has such a positive energy, I was excited to learn. Although I'm extremely blessed to not experience symptoms and have thank G-d been in remission for the majority of the last 15 years since I was diagnosed, I am ever aware that I still officially have the label, the diagnosis and am still at risk of having an attack. So it's been good to build my tool kit, and incorporate new practices into my wellness routine as a kind of, preventive medicine.


GYBB Coaching Package:

What You Get:

  • 12 Weeks of Content - over TWENTY FIVE hours (Total value $2000 value)

  • ​LIVE weekly session (1 year access) ($2400 value)

  • FOUR private coaching sessions with one of our head coaches ($1200 value)

  • Access to private Facebook group ($500 value)

  • ​1 body repair meditation ($100 value)

  • 1 Visualization meditation ($250 value)

  • 3 techniques for relieving pain ($499 value)

  • 4 tools for relieving physical symptoms of dis-ease ($1500 value)

  • ​Reading list for further learning following the course

  • ​Private membership site with recordings, homework and more! (Value $500)

  • Invitation to private Wellness Community when you complete the course - PRICELESS

  • 3 months FREE in Wellness Community ($591)

Total Value: $9,541

All YOURS FOR $3300

What You Get:

  • 12 Weeks of Content - over TWENTY FIVE hours (Total value $2000 value)

  • ​LIVE weekly Q&A ($1000 value)

  • Access to private Facebook group ($500 value)

  • ​1 body repair meditation ($100 value)

  • 1 Visualization meditation ($250 value)

  • 3 techniques for relieving pain ($499 value)

  • 4 tools for relieving physical symptoms of dis-ease ($1500 value)

  • ​Reading list for further learning following the course

  • ​Private membership site with recordings, homework and more! (Value $500)

Total Value: $6,349

All YOURS FOR $1800

More about this Course:

You might know that you want to try a different approach to your getting well but whether out of being tired from trying everything or just feeling unsure, you might not feel ready to go “all-in” on the mind-body approach. This course is the perfect opportunity for you to learn the ins and outs of mind-body medicine and gain practical tools to gain relief. It’s also an opportunity for me! Yes that’s right. It’s a way for me to share the techniques I used to recover from MS with more people without going to a mass scale and losing that personal touch which I so value.  

I want to give people the building blocks of wellness and the tools to harness your body’s natural healing capacity. This is a rare opportunity that is limited to 20 people. I invite you to join me for a deep dive to master the mind/body connection and completely transform your relationship with your body so that you can experience long-lasting relief from common symptoms of dis-ease. In addition to the live classes, you’ll receive audio recordings allowing you to implement the practices and carry them into your life even after the class. Participants get incredible results in addition to creating an empowering and validating community of like-minded people from all across the globe.

More about Illness Recovery Coach Kaley Zeitouni

“You have Multiple Sclerosis.” I was only 12 when I heard these four words. 

As a child, it was hard to comprehend the diagnosis, which was ultimately for the best. That little bit of ignorance led me to believe that I would “beat this.”

I held onto that belief despite the very difficult challenges I faced in the years following my diagnosis of relapsing remitting MS. I experienced a range of symptoms from being blind in one eye to paralyzed. When I look back, I wonder how I had the strength to not give up and still hope for and plan for a full life. 

After 17 years of living with MS, hoping to “get by” or “manage” wasn’t enough - I wanted to THRIVE. I refused to live the rest of my life with the constant uncertainty, inability to plan, and of course the symptoms, whether it be paralysis or debilitating fatigue, weakness, and pain. I always knew intuitively that the human body has everything it needs to repair itself and to function optimally - after all, our bodies create human life.  

Using scientifically-backed mind-body techniques, I successfully eliminated disease from my body. I have been symptom free for over a decade. After growing up always waiting for "the other shoe to drop," words cannot describe the relief and joy I feel each day that I live in alignment with my body. I was given a huge gift and have made it my life’s purpose to share these tools with others.

Every single human has the ability to experience relief following the same protocols. Today I am blessed to work with others to reduce their symptoms through understanding their health blueprint, unpacking illness identity, and unlocking the body's natural healing capacity.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. If I can’t join the Live Process session, is it recorded?

Yes, all Live Process sessions are recorded and uploaded to our membership site where you can watch them.

2. If I can’t join the Live Process session, is there still a way to submit my questions?

Yes! Before each Live Process session, all participants receive an email with a form to submit your questions. Even if you don’t join live, the coach on the Live Process session will answer the questions submitted on the form.

3. Is there a way to try the course and see if I like it?

There is a 14 day refund policy. If you find that the course isn’t for you (which has only happened once out of over 100 participants), we’ll refund you, no questions asked. All refund requests after ten days will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and you’ll need to show evidence that you applied the practices and tools. This policy is explained in detail when you enroll and sign your contract.

4. Can I take the course on behalf of my loved one?

No, the course is specifically designed for the person living with symptoms. You can help them with implementing the tools as they take the course, but they need to learn it directly themselves. 

5. Can I take the course with my spouse or caregiver?

Sure! I recommend taking it with a caregiver who can also learn the tools and help make these concepts and practices a part of all aspects of your life. *If your spouse is also living with symptoms and needs the course for their own healing, then they MUST enroll separately. In that case, we can offer a discount for the additional family member who enrolls in the course. Please contact our team in this case 

6. How long do I get access to the course?

One year.

Show me the Basic Package

I don't want one on one guidance, I just want the

Get Your Body Back course...

No problem! Here's What You Get:

  • 12 Weeks of Content - over TWENTY FIVE hours (Total value $2000 value)

  • ​LIVE weekly session (1 year access) ($2400 value)

  • Access to private Facebook group ($500 value)

  • ​1 body repair meditation ($100 value)

  • 1 Visualization meditation ($250 value)

  • 3 techniques for relieving pain ($500 value)

  • 4 tools for relieving physical symptoms of dis-ease ($1500 value)

  • ​Reading list for further learning following the course

  • ​Private membership site with recordings, homework and more! (Value $500)

  • Invitation to private Wellness Community when you complete the course - PRICELESS

Total Value: $7,750

All YOURS FOR $2200


The Basic package is exactly as it sounds - you get the Get Your Body Back (GYBB) Course without one-on-one coaching. We have found that the course is far more effective with individual support from a GYBB coach during your journey.

The GYBB Coaching Package includes 4 sessions with GYBB coaches - a check-in session, 2 process sessions around 3 and 6 weeks and a check-out session for integration and next steps. You can always add more coaching sessions and we highly recommend it. We have found that a minimum of 4 sessions is critical to fully integrate the work and achieve maximum results.

The GYBB Coaching Package includes three months of membership in the Wellness Community. We included this in the package to support you after the course in continuing to use the tools and help you maintain your progress.

Participants have experienced good results from the Basic Package - just the course itself without coaching. But those are the outliers, and the coaching package is the best way to take the course and fully step into your healing journey.

Kaley Zeitouni | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

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